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Let's Change Lives...Together!

I believe the world would be a better place if we all practiced a little (or a lot of) yoga. I have dedicated my entire life's work to this idea... which led me to create the YogaMedCo Method in 2019. We can't wait for you to join us online from anywhere:

  • WORKDAY WELLBEING MEMBERSHIP: Are you a heart-centered genius who loves helping others, but you need some support for your own self-care? Learn more about our Genius Break Room workday well-being membership HERE.
  • YOGAMEDCO RETREATS: I love co-creating retreats online and in person. You can attend my annual in-person Genius Break Away or schedule your own online VIP retreat! Learn more HERE.
  • YOGA COACH and YOGA TEACHER TRAINING: Whether you are new to yoga or are already a yoga professional, I invite you to get certified in my evidence-informed YogaMedCo method -- online from anywhere. Register now to start our 200-hour path approved by Yoga Alliance. Learn more HERE.

However you join us, my team and I are standing by ready to support you in living well on and off the mat.  We can't wait to welcome you to YogaMedCo!

Namaste -

Suzie Carmack,


Welcome to YogaMedCo

Inspired by the research of our founder Dr. Suzie Carmack, YogaMedCo brings the practices of yoga, lifestyle medicine and coaching together to promote whole health, wellness and well-being -- on and off the mat.


"Dr. Carmack has created a much needed YogaMedCo method for modern healthcare...

The most valuable aspect of this training was the immediate applicability to bringing adaptive Yoga into clinical settings. My boss is thrilled with my ability to simultaneously offer three levels of modifications to suit all levels of capability. Attendees show up at my classes in hospitals and clinics with various chronic conditions, diseases and disabilities. They all benefit, at the same time, whether in a wheelchair or wanting a sweaty workout, or any place in between." 

- Kristy, YogaMedCo Graduate (RYT 200)


"YogaMedCo was an incredible learning experience!

I would highly recommend to any aspiring yoga teachers or those wanting to deepen their practice. The focus on safety was very enlightening and I feel more confident and mindful on and off the mat. This class has had a profoundly positive impact in my life."

- MaryJane, YogaMedco Graduate (RYT 200)


"I love the way Yogamedco approaches teaching.

They care about each one of their students and they exemplify yoga on and OFF the mat.

- Audrey, YogaMedCo Graduate (RYT 200) 


"I will always recommend...

YogaMedco, Dr. Carmack, and her team have created a precious space to nurture yoga teachers and grow human beings in all the best ways... meeting clients where they are and acknowledging our common humanity is something that I will always take with me. I can't think of a better space to have grown in my knowledge of myself, others, and the world."

- Simone, YogaMedCo Graduate (RYT 200)


"Words fail to fully encompass the multilevel benefits that YogaMedCo training can bring to your life...

both personally and professionally. I highly recommend YogaMedCo training programs to anyone at any level. Dr. Suzie Carmack and the YogaMedCo team are tremendous! Trainees learn safe, effective, client-centric methods is a positive, engaging environment.”

- Cody, YogaMedCo Graduate (RYT 500)


"Dr. Suzie Carmack is an exceptional teacher and mentor...

The community that you are involved in with Yogamedco is beyond anything I have experienced in my life. I would recommend Yogamedco to anyone looking to start or further their Yoga Training."

- Leslie, YogaMedCo Graduate and Mentee (RYT 500)


Meet Our Community

Learn What Our Graduates Have to Say About YogaMedCo HERE:

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Explore om-mazing tools for your practice -- on and off the mat!

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